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a journal entry about a journal.

Today is 5.13.02, the time is 5:03 p.m.

Last night I went home for Mother's Day. Sam and I treated my parents to dinner at Simon's Caf�, one of the best indicators of the downtown West Bend's gentrification. It was pretty tasty.

After that, I went home and hung out with my parents. I made my mom check the email address she hasn't used since I set it up for her a month ago. She is the slowest typist I have ever seen.

Later, we watched Shaft (the new slick version) and American Pie 2. Shaft was better than I expected it to be. I laughed out loud when Shaft said You need some of that L.D.? It's my duty to please that booty. I also laughed when my mom started singing along with the Shaft theme songs, saying Damn right. American Pie 2 was disappointing.

Today, I spent the entire day writing journal entries for my American Protest Literature course. Some of my entries I am genuinely proud of, because I put an awful lot of thinking into them. I'm hoping that the professor will feel the same way. Perhaps I will post those entries here some day. Perhaps.

Now I have absolutely no responsibilities until Thursday. I hope I use my free time wisely.

You know, perhaps I will kill some of the brain cells I've worked so hard to cultivate. Perhaps.

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